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Tuesday 10 June 2008

The End!?

I've been asked to finish my Blog, so here it is:
The End
'It's been swell, but the swelling's gone.' Tank Girl
It is difficult to summarise the whole year in a short sentence. At times it has been tough, sometimes it's been fabulous and other times confusing. All in all it's been worth the hard work and dedication to complete the year.
All projects for this year have been challenging my skills and knowledge of multimedia. They made me realise, that I made the right choice to follow the multimedia path as a career. Time will only tell whether I’ll succeed and make good living doing so. I’m determined and positive that I will.

Wednesday 21 May 2008

And so on...

Further progress made - click link below, for latest update

Saturday 10 May 2008


I can't believe that I actually finished it. Phew. Until last days of the project I really wasn't sure what to write, I did do a fair bit of research, and read a few books which sort of guided me along. However until the last few hours I didn't know what the final conclusion will be. It came to me a bit like 'EUREKA' moment.
All in all this project, because of the amount of research required and the fact that it was spread over a period of the whole course, was quite hard to accomplish, only time will tell if I was successful at the given task or not as case might be. Writing is not my forte, however once I got stuck in, it begun to flow.
Interaction for sake of communication within complex, digital media systems.
Communication using new media and its interface, does it progress or regress human one-to-one communication ability and skill?
Since new media devices use binary code which is a basic language system maybe just maybe in the future, people might end up talking in binary system, this is purely hypothetical and an extreme way of looking at the future of one-to-one communication. Is this progress or regress, it is hard to judge, hypothetically speaking this might be a way forward to fantastic notion of telepathy, just a next step in conditioning human language, where foreign languages do not exist, miscommunication is impossible and the interface is not required. Currently there are already some studies and research being made to support this theory.
Below is a list of some of the websites that discus this theory in more detail:

Friday 18 April 2008

Final - Exam Project - So far

While researching Interfaces that are meant for communication I thought of this notion "Miscommunicate to communicate", is this what we are doing when text messaging or blogging and posting on Social network sites?
Click this link to see latest updates:

Tuesday 15 April 2008

Saturday 12 April 2008

Dialogue Goggles 1968

Images taken from a book Open Systems:Rethinking Art c.1970
Artist: Lygia Clark
Dialogue Goggles 1968
Colecao Famila Clark ______________________________________________________
The device featured in above image is a great example of how important our senses are in order to successfully communicate with one another, especially the eye contact. Unfortunately I don't have first hand experience of using this device, however I can just imagine how frustrating communication would be. One would probably spend some significant amount of time adjusting field of view to catch the other persons eyesight. Other person would be attempting to do the same hence confusing matters even more, there would have to be an open verbal dialogue between the two and synchronisation would have to occur for them to achieve successful communication. Ironically for them to successfully achieve full sensory communication they need to communicate first using impaired or limited amount of senses.
Such behaviour occurs in video conferencing on line. Before two or more people begin the conference they often spend significant amount of time adjusting the web cam settings (especially manual focus devices), repositioning the camera and them selves, sometimes even the environment that they are in undergoes some changes to enable users to comfortably access and control the camera.
In video conferencing what becomes apparent is that full sensory communication is not possible. This is caused by technological limitations of hardware used (by hardware I mean, computer, camera and Internet connection), and in many cases users limited knowledge of hardware and software used. Also many people that are not familiar with the conferencing technology are standoffish, sometimes embarrassed to use such devices for communication, which makes them appear nervous, insecure and 'not them selves', all of which adds up to, not a best form of communication.
Arguably writing letters as it's been the case in the past to communicate over a long distance isn't the best form, It is slow, it takes long time to compile, post, and for it to be delivered. However one has plenty of time to rethink and adjust the words used hence making the piece that much more expressionate and personal. One thought comes to mind that for the letter to reflect persons feelings and or attitude and the like, writer might need to be fairly articulate and knowledgeable in the art of writing. And have the know how of reading and writing - a very complex media system to understand and be articulate in.
while looking for images for the above text I came across this page on perseption and web cam:

Thursday 10 April 2008

Some ideas for my final project

Follow the link below to view large images

9 lives or what is Second LIfe

This idea explores notion of 2nd life (the online 3d environment)as part of our 1st (real life). Is second life really secondary or is it just an extension of our real life presented in digital form. Our Life's could be divided in to combination of sub existences, for example: 1st - Home Life 2nd - Work Life 3rd - School Life 4th - Romantic Life 5th - Resting Life 6th - Social Life 7th - Family Life 8th - Leisure Life 9th - Second Life Arguably all of above have a tendency to differ somewhat i.e.: One has a tendency to have slightly different attitude at home in front of their parents (one life), and behave differently when with friends (life number two), however all of these constitute as one life (don't they?)

Wednesday 9 April 2008

Have you ever felt like this?

Interactive Manual

Manual that when used it has no beginning and no real end until the project is finished, a bit like PDF document with hyperlinks to different sections available at all times, non linear. One chooses where to begin - clicks a particular link to activate an instructional video, which begins at the point that user is at with their project. So if one begins at point 'C', and chooses to do point 'G' the instructions will contain only parts 'C' and 'G', next the user chooses point 'A' so the instructions will only contain information on points 'C', 'G' and 'A', and so on until the project is finalised. I'm not sure where I'm going with this, logistics of creating such a project could be phenomenal, however a LEGO instruction booklet could be adopted to such concept.